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Schungite for water.Kits for water purification, for filters, elite Shungit, powder Celý článek
Schungite.Schungite - what is it ?Celý článek
Selenite lamps.Selenite lamps from Maroc.Celý článek

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Do not copy our photos. Actions for photos, text and graphic elements that people and companies withdrawing from other sites, put them on their sites and to address copyright, proliferate, and those who do not have the consent of the owner of copyright of their use, they can come very expensive.
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Computer programs can now look identical fotkyy globally across the Internet, compare them and detect manipulation, which was trying to conceal that it is illegally downloaded photo.

If we detect unauthorized use of our photos on your website or send you an E shops předžalobní challenge, then proceed to financial compensation, and the other is usually standardized submit action.

The easiest way is to buy one product from us, take a picture and put it on your site. So please if you want to resell our products, order at least one product, take a picture and position your photo on your site with your price.

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